- (1,1)
- What
connection between the end
of the last parsha and the beginning of this one?
- (1,1)
- Why
say here את Ya'akov?
- (1,9)
- What
Pharaoh’s advice to his
- (1,11)
- How
did the
Egyptians contrive that
Yisrael would choose ‘willingly’ to do hard labour?
- (1,17)
- Why
Pharaoh not specifically
command the midwives that they must go and kill the boys?
- (1,19)
- Does
midwife herself require another midwife to deliver her own baby?
- (1,20)
- Question 7 not yet
translated Why
did Hashem strengthen the women?
- (1,20)
- Question 8 not yet
translated Why
did Hashem reward the midwives by causing the women to give birth to
even more children?
- (1,22)
- Question 9 not yet
translated Why
did Pharaoh apparently decree also on the Egyptians that the male
babies should be thrown in the river?
- (2,5)
- Question 10 not yet
translated Why
did the daughter of Pharaoh cleanse herself from her father’s idols
- (2,6)
- Question 11 not yet
translated Why
did Moshe start crying when Pharaoh’s daughter opened the basket?
- (2,11)
- Question 12 not yet
translated Why
did Moshe kill the Egyptian without first investigating why he was
hitting the Hebrew?
- (2,15)
- Question 13 not yet
translated What
did Pharaoh hear about Moshe that made him want to kill him?
- (2,18)
- Question 14 not yet
translated Why
was Yisro called a friend of Hashem?
- (3,1)
- Question 15 not yet
translated Why
were Yisrael not affected by the plagues?
- (3,11)
- Question 16 not yet
translated How
did Moshe’s question show that he was the right person to bring Yisrael
out of Egypt?
- (3,13)
- Question 17 not yet
translated Why
did Moshe think that Yisrael would ask him Hashem’s name and that he
would not know what to reply?
- (4,18)
- Question 18 not yet
translated Why
is Yisro referred to by two different names in this posuk?
- (4,19)
- Question 19 not yet
translated Why
only now did Hashem tell Moshe that those who had sought to kill him
were dead?
- (5,4)
- Why
did Pharaoh say to Moshe and Aharon that they were interfering with
Yisrael in two different ways – disturbing their work and causing them
to cease their workload?
- (5,5)
- Who
from amongst the people of Yisrael was Pharaoh concerned about that
they might listen to Moshe and Aharon?
- (5,16)
- Why
did the officers of Yisrael tell Pharaoh that his people had sinned?
- (5,18)
- What
did Pharaoh say that Yisrael should do to complete their workload?
- (5,23)
- Why
did Moshe argue that Hashem had caused harm to the Egyptian people?
- (1,7)
- Question 1 not yet translated From
where does Rashi learn that the women gave birth to six children at one
- (2,14)
- Question 2 not yet
translated Why
did Moshe not understand until now why Yisrael were being enslaved so
- (3,5)
- Question 3 not yet translated What
does the last word of the posuk refer to?
- (3,6)
- Question 4 not yet translated Why
does the pousk say “the G-d of your forefather” - singular, and not
forefathers - plural?
- (3,12)
- Question 5 not yet
translated Which
three months is Rashi referring to?
- (3,16)
- Question 6 not yet
translated Why
the name of G-d mentioned only by the name of Avrohom, and not by the
names of Yitzchok and Ya’akov?
- (4,9)
- Question 7 not yet translated How
does this posuk show that Hashem does not rush to punish even the
- (4,10)
- Question 8 not yet
translated How
does what Rashi explains on this posuk help us understand what Hashem
answered Moshe in posuk 14?